
Pool Safety and COVID-19

Pool Safety and COVID-19

Date: 06/05/2023

Cleanliness is under the microscope more than ever before as the world is still in the grip of the Coronavirus pandemic.

From mask-wearing to hand sanitizer, people have a renewed focus on the transfer of bacteria and disease, and as such, extra measures are being taken to ensure we minimize transmission of this deadly virus.

In this article, Master Pools of Wilmington are going to look at how you can keep your pool safe to use during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Water cleanliness

Keeping your pool water clean is absolutely crucial year-round, but especially in a pandemic.

Water can harbor a lot of bacteria, and if you leave your pool water unattended for an extended period of time, these bacteria can multiply, rendering your pool unsafe.

Make sure to clean your pool regularly – professional pool cleaners are still allowed to work as they are key workers, so experts like Master Pools of Wilmington can ensure your pool is in perfect condition at all times. 

Pool furniture

As well as the pool itself, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of any furniture around it.

Whether you have five sun loungers or one chair, make sure they’re wiped down and sanitized before and after each use.

Coronavirus can spread through people touching the same surface, and if people have been sweating in the summer sun, the risk of spreading is increased.

It might take an extra minute, but it can save you, your family and your guests from serious problems further down the line if you wipe down your pool furniture before using it. 

Avoid stagnant water

Stagnant water is one of the biggest risks to safe swimming.

Put simply, moving water is cleaner than water that isn’t moving, and so you need to ensure your pool circulation is in working order at all times.

If it isn’t, you could end up with stagnant water, which is a real health hazard.

If your water looks cloudy, or you can see algae growing on it, then you have an issue with pool circulation. 

Your pool pump should always be running if possible – if this isn’t feasible, then it should be running for at least 12 hours a day.

Your pump, combined with your pool filter, keeps the water moving and removes any debris and contaminants from it at the same time.

If you start to notice cloudy water or excess dirt and detritus in your pool, then you might have an issue with your pump or filter – contact a professional pool repair company to fix your issue. 

This advice for keeping your pool clean will serve you well all year round, but it’s particularly important that you take extra care to keep your pool clean during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wipe furniture down, maintain your pool’s equipment and you’ll greatly reduce the risk of being exposed to harmful bacteria.

Master Pools of Wilmington has been providing custom pool installations and remodelling services since 1978 in Wilmington.

With over 46 years of experience building a wide range of pool designs including freeform pools, geometric pools, plunge pools, exercise lap pools, inground pools, spas and infinity pools.

Master Pools of Wilmington are so proud to be one of North Carolina’s leading swimming pool builders.

We can build your dream pool, whatever the shape, whatever the size, and we offer repair and maintenance services to help keep your pool in safe working order at all times. For more information, contact us today and our friendly team will be happy to help.

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